portada1Tales and Fables, Vol.I
Angelito Editor, 2011.
(Available at  Spotify)

Debut álbum, as a characteristic of this musical project it features 8 songs (tales) and 7 improvisations (fables) and special invited musicians as Mamselle Ruiz, Rodrigo Frenk, Wilfrido Terrazas, Alex Otaola, Carlos Alegre and Ivan Bringas, between others.





portada2Tales and Fables,  Vol. II, Recapitulation and Inventory.
Angelito Editor 2013.

Live album made with 2012/2013 recordings in several Mexico City’s stages.

It contains 6 song (tales) and 8 improvisations (fables), as in the first release, some invited musicians participated.






portada3Tales and Fables Vol.III, 
AICAACIA Records 2016.
(Click here to listen "Play ball" theme)

Third band’s release, it features nine tracks and finish the ‘Tales and Fables Trilogy’.